South Dakota EMS Association
To strengthen patient care in South Dakota through advocacy, education, and representation of EMS providers.
Course Name: trauma
Course Number: SD23CE0366
Course Type: Continuing Education Class
We will go over trauma. Specially hitting sports injuries before football season. We will review and do hands on moving trauma patients with the scoop stretcher. We will go over how to remove a football helmet and when its necessary. We will go over MVC victims and how to treat and transport those patients with or without suspected spinal injuries.
Start Date: 09/27/2023 at 7:00 PM
End Date: 09/29/2023 at 9:00 PM
Location: Ipswich Ambulance Service
District Held: District 4
Sponsor: Ipswich Ambulance Service
Instructor: HOLIEN, KELSEY A
Instructor Email:
Instructor Phone: 605-216-8410
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